What If: Aliens

What if… Carter Burke had lived? For years, fans of James Cameron’s legendary Aliens film questioned whether Carter Burke, a company man more hateable than the Xenos themselves, had actually survived the traumatic events on the terraforming colony Hadley’s Hope. Now the actor behind the beloved villain, Paul Reiser, joins his son Leon and a star-studded team of writers and producers for the twisted escape of a man who should have died! Thirty-five years later, Burke is eking out a cursed existence on a backwater asteroid. With his once-promising career in the toilet, Burke’s only remaining purpose is to care for his daughter, Brie — who already hates him. So what happens when she finds out what he’s up to now, and the Xenomorphs hit the fan? Has Burke learned his lesson, or is his fate only to suffer a different, even more horrible death?!

Paul and Leon Reiser do their best celebrity stunt effort in a rather great “What if Burke had lived?” story that has some more humor that I would expect from a Aliens story, but worked for the most part, with great art to really flesh it all out.

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