April vs Michelle Robins Story

While Caroline and Robin’s personal trainer were being escorted to an undisclosed location in their tight straitjackets, Robin made her way directly to the director of Sunny View Asylum. The director known as Dr Rita von Castair, who has expressed a keen interest in personally participating in Robin’s transformation from athletic physique to professional bodybuilder. In this story, Robin undergoes challenging workouts and stressful situations under the supervision of two sadistic lesbians, Nurse Trisha and Nurse Jasmine. Together they manage to get the best out of Robin and so, so much more!
See what a LEG DAY can be like under the supervision of a sadistic trainer as only our comic can show! Check it out today!

DOWNLOAD (ADULTS ONLY) here: www.dbcomix.com/bondage/comics/april-vs-michelle-robin-s-story

Authors: Dracowhip (art), DD (corrections), Linda (texts, lettering)  and I have their permission to use.

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