\”Star Trek: Typhon Pact: 4 Paths of Disharmony\” Review by Roqoodepot.wordpress.com

Roqoodepot.wordpress.com has added a new review for Dayton Ward\’s \”Star Trek: Typhon Pact: 4 Paths of Disharmony\”:

The Typhon pact has had some hits and misses. Zero Sum Game was a mediocre novel, while Seize the Fire was very disappointing and Rough Beasts of Empire was partially amazing and partially poorly executed. I have also read some mixed books by Dayton Ward, so I wasn’t particularly excited about this one. However, one of my friends rated this very high on his list, and he and I have had similar thoughts on the Typhon pack novels thus far. So I was intrigued to see what this book was like.

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