More Than Half of Americans Would Prefer to Stream New Movie Releases at Home – CivicScience

There have been huge amounts of progress and movement in the media and entertainment industry over the past few years, accelerated even further by the recent pandemic. With people confined to their homes for months at a time, home entertainment sources such as social media and streaming platforms have never been more popular. 

I used to go to the theaters religiously every week, sometimes multiple times a week, and I think I can count on one hand the number of times I had a \”perfect\” experience at the theater, from people talking, moving, eating loudly, coughing through the entire film, talking on their phone, or giving their kids tables to play on for the entire movie. There\’s no accountability from the local staff and none of the theaters are locally owned, so there\’s never going to be real change there. If something annoys me at home during a film, I can pause it, fix the situation, then get back to the movie. I don\’t think I\’m ever going to want to go back to a physical theater over the in home situation I have, especially with something like HBO Max where it\’s just $15 a month for the one or two movies from them every couple months.


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