The Neighborhood of Make-Believe

This is a neighborhood, but it\’s also a kingdom… because nothing has to make adult sense in make-believe. 🙂 It is ruled over by King Friday XIII and Queen Sara Saturday, and has many inhabitants both large and small, human, avian, feline, and more. The Neighborhood was a regular and important feature of the children\’s TV show Mister Rogers\’ Neighborhood, a much-loved show that ran from the late 60\’s up until 2001. This size of the scene was determined so that the puppet characters are all roughly minifig size. The human characters were then scaled to match. The full display is based largely on the studio set of the Neighborhood. The set had many changes throughout the show\’s run, so I settled on basing each model on the best versions I could find. This display will soon be on display at the Blocks to Bricks museum in Schaumburg, IL. Watch this space for more info!

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