"\’Do not copy\’ and \’do not duplicate\’ are different things tho"

I\’m back with another tale from the lock shop.

So in the shop, we have this sign displayed, plain as day.

So this 20-something girl comes in with a couple of high security keys with \”DO NOT DUPLICATE\” stamped on both sides of them, and says she needs a couple copies.

Me: \”These are high security keys, what and who are they for?\”

Her: \”Oh they go to the concession stand at the football field at the high school, they\’re for me\”

Me pointing to the sign: \”Yeah so I can\’t do these for you unless the owner or superintendent comes for them or I have a written letter\”

Her: \”No it\’s ok, I just want copies\”

Me: \”Okay? I get that, but I still need authorization to do any keys that are stamped \’Do not copy\’\”

Her: \”These say do not duplicate though, I want copies\”

Me: \”…….yes\”

Her: \”\’Do not copy\’ and \’do not duplicate\’ are different things tho\”

Me: \”…….Oh I\’m sorry, we need a letter for duplicates too, we just didn\’t have room on the wall to hang both signs up\”

Her: \”Oh ok, thanks though, I\’ll try and make a letter\”

Me: \”see ya later then\”

Aren\’t customers fun?

submitted by /u/itstheleviathan to r/TalesFromRetail
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