Client wants to make duplicates of the site I designed

I made a website for a client that owns a number of businesses in the same niche. They really like the site and said they want to have their IT guy duplicate it a bunch of times for each new building that goes up and just swap out the logo/colors to save money.

This is in breach of our contract, but I want to figure out how to work with them so it\’s mutually beneficial.

I want to give 2 options: 1 hire me to make the duplicates at a very reduced price. 2 re-write the existing contract at a much higher rate and allow them to make as many duplicates as they want themselves.

I\’m unsure of what to charge them for allowing them to duplicate themselves. (The site is not live yet) The original contract for 1 site was $5,000 any advice?

submitted by /u/pop-corn to r/Wordpress
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Source: Reddit: TGIOKDI Upvoted

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