I floated down a major American river on a raft made of trash and survived (barely). Ask me anything!

Inspired by my trainhopping experience and my 5th grade reading of Huck Finn, I traveled across country in my beat-up old pickup truck and built a raft out of trash and floated one of the largest fastest rivers on the continent. We survived and floated new rivers every year, launching whole punk raft flotillas. Now I\’m an artist who floats major rivers in a homemade shantyboat gathering river stories.

I\’ve traveled over 1000 miles in my shantyboat on the Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers and conducted over 85 oral history interviews and 100 hours of video in the last three years. This summer, I will be floating 500 miles on California\’s Sacramento River through the Central Valley.

Find out more about the project at peoplesriverhistory.us/

Ask me anything!

Updates: peoplesriverhistory.us/contact

Facebook: www.facebook.com/wmodes

Insta: www.instagram.com/wmodes/

Twitter: twitter.com/peoplesriver

Vimeo: vimeo.com/wmodes

submitted by /u/wmodes to r/IAmA
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Source: Reddit: TGIOKDI Upvoted

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